We are back with new updates to kickoff the month of February. Our updates this time around include all new improved Shift Module and Shift Summary Report.
To start with, we have upgraded Shifts from a small part in the general settings to a module on its own. You can now set up the shifts and specify the staffs who are working in each shift, as well as their roles and their working days.

In addition to setting up shifts, you can now manage the staffs working during the shifts on daily basis. Functions added such as adding overtime staff and specifying staffs who are on leave during the shift.

With the upgrade on Shifts settings and management, Shift Summary Report is now available on Softinn PMS. This report will give you the summary of the transactions taking place during a particular shift. That being said, this report is only available if you have set up Shifts.

The report can be filtered by payment methods and exported to Excel file.
We have also upgraded the PMS Collection Summary Report. Now the collection summary report is designed to report on daily collection and can be filtered by time or shifts, if you have shifts set up.
For daily collection summary report, it will filter based on the date (by default, it is the current date) and a range of time (by default, it is set to 12.00 AM to current time). You can select other dates and other range of time.

You can also view the collection summary report by the shifts that you have set up. This feature is disabled if you have no shift set up. Collection Summary Report by Shift allow you to view the opening balance, add cash float and record cash withdrawal.

When you first start using Collection Summary Report by Shift, you will need to key in the opening balance. The amount should be the Cash on Hand that you have at the beginning of the shift (at the time of access). You can key in zero (0.00) in the fields if there is no balance at the beginning of the shift.

Please note that the new collection summary report does not report collection over range of dates (e.g. for the whole month of January). In addition to this, only users granted access will be able to set up the opening balance for the collection summary report by shift.
In addition to the reports and shifts, we have also updated the PMS Homepage. You can now see the total amount of cash on hand on the Homepage. This amount will tally with the balance on the collection summary report.

Should you need help to use our products with this new update, feel free to reach out to us at support@mysoftinn.com for more information and clarification.
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