We are really excited to announce our new features in this update! From PMS Payment Gateway to more customizations on Softinn CMS, the Product Team has been really busy bringing them to you.
For our PMS users, you can now collect payment for reservations through Softinn PMS Online Payment Gateway! You can send payment requests to your guests via email and they can make payment through our online payment system. Their payment will be automatically recorded in their guest folio.

Currently, this feature is only for our users in Malaysia and Indonesia. Payment gateways that we support are:
- Malaysian Online Payment Gateways
- eGHL
- Billplz
- PayPal
- iPay88 Malaysia
- Indonesian Online Payment Gateways
- Midtrans
- iPay88 Indonesia
Please note that Softinn will not be collecting the payments on your behalf. You will require an online payment gateway account to use this feature. You can refer to our guidelines on how to apply for payment gateway accounts.
If you are currently using our Softinn Booking Engine, and you have set up your own payment gateways on Extranet, you have the option to import your settings to be used in Softinn PMS. Alternatively, you can also set up new payment gateway settings on PMS. If you need help to set up your payment gateways, please refer to our online guide.
You can send payment requests via the Reservations page and through the “Online Payment Requests” tab on the Guest Folio. This feature comes with access control. Only users with access will be able to use this feature. Therefore, you have control over who will be able to send payment requests to your guests. Read more about this in our guide.

In addition to sending payment requests, you can also “Resend” and “Cancel” the payment requests through the “Online Payment Requests” tab on the Guest Folio. We will also record the date the last email was sent to your guest. If the request has been paid, the transaction will be recorded and you will not be able to “Resend” or “Cancel” the request.

Payment requests will be sent via email to your guests. They will be required to make payment via the link included in the email. This link is unique to each payment request. Your guest will be able to make payment as long as the payment request is not cancelled and have not been paid.
To learn more about how guests make payments, refer to How Guest Performs Online Payment Upon Receiving the Payment Request Email.
There are also two new features on Softinn CMS. If you are our CMS user, you will now be able to add custom HTML tags to your hotel website as well as add your custom privacy policy.

CMS Custom HTML Tag allows you to add HTML tags such as Facebook Business Domain Verification meta-tag and custom tracking tags. You can specify where the tag should be added (e.g. in the <head></head>) section. The tags will be added to all the pages on your website.

CMS Custom Privacy Policy is a feature you need if you require your own privacy policy to be used in lieu of Softinn’s privacy policy in your Booking Engine. You can use the link to the page to add your privacy policy in the Booking Engine Settings on Softinn Extranet.
If you have any problem using our products after this update, please refer to our online guides:
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