We are back with product updates in the month of December to bring 2021 to a close.
If you are using our Softinn Booking Engine, you will see a new feature on the Extranet Calendar page. We introduced a control value – maximum selling unit (BE Max – highlighted in yellow in the image) for each room type and each day in your calendar. You can set the maximum number of units you want to sell on your Booking Engine. We will use the value that you have set to ensure that the number of units available for that day will not exceed the maximum selling unit of the day.

For example,
- You have a room type, Deluxe King, with 10 rooms. (Built Unit = 10)
- You decided to sell only 5 rooms on your Booking Engine for 20th December 2021. (BE Max = 5)
- If you have no booking for 20th December 2021, you have 5 units for sale.
- If you have 3 bookings for that date, then you have 2 units available.
- Should there be any cancellations, we will increase the number of units available.
- Our system will ensure that the number of units available will not exceed 5.
By setting the values for the maximum selling units, you will be able to prevent overbooking on your property. We have also set some conditions.
- Maximum Selling Units must be less or equal to the Build Units.
- By default, maximum selling unit for a room type will be equal to the default allotment.
Should you require more information, please feel free to refer to our guide.
Our PMS users can now map payment method and payment account for bookings coming from Softinn Booking Engine. If you enable “Sync allotment with Softinn Booking Engine” in the PMS General Settings page, the system will automatically create the reservation and add the payment into the guest folio if you have the payment account mapped.
The payment account can be mapped on the Booking Source & Connectivity page. Click on “Add Payment Account Mapping” and fill in the form.

After that, set the mapping status to “Active” so that the system will be able to add the payment information into the guest folio. In the Guest Folio, we will display the information regarding the transaction made through the Booking Engine in the “Remarks” column.

If the payment is collected by Softinn, we will remark that the payment is collected by Softinn.
If the payment is collected through your own payment gateway on the Booking Engine, we will add the payment gateway information as well as the transaction ID in the remarks.
We have another update for our PMS users. You can now see rate plan information in PMS Reports. You can filter the report to include only the rate plans that you wish to see. We also added rate plans into the corresponding Excel files.

If you face any difficulty in using our products after the updates, please refer to our guides below:
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