Log into our Softinn Extranet System. (http://booking.mysoftinn.com/) You will be directed to our Extranet official front page showing “Dashboard“. Choose “Calendar” option. You will be taken to “Calendar Page“. “Green Dots“ indicating public holiday.Click on the date in the calendar that you wish to block.(Once clicked, it means blocked all […]
How to Stop Selling on the Specific date from Softinn Extranet
To log into our Softinn Extranet System (http://booking.mysoftinn.com/). You will be directed to our Extranet official front page showing “Dashboard“ Click on “Calendar“ on top of the page. It will lead you to “Calendar” page. Choose the date that you wish to block by clicking on the date in the […]
How To Point Your Domain to Softinn Website Server
Step by step guide to point your domain to Softinn website servers. This guides are specifically compiled for Softinn Free Website Merchants who are also GoDaddy user to point their domain so their website can goes live.