If you’ve just create a new Facebook Admin Page to promote your business or sell any products and services, here are some tips and tricks on how to utilize the hidden power of a Facebook Page!
1. Putting the right “Call-To-Action” button.
A Call-To-Action button or CTA in short, is the big blue button situated just below your cover image. The button can be change to display different wording like “Book Now”, “Message Us” and other options.
Let us teach you how.

- Hover your mouse to the “Book Now” button and a drop-down option list will appear (as shown in below image)
- Choose “Edit Button” option.
- A pop-up box as shown below will appear to prompt you to insert a link. (You can skip this step and insert the link later)
- Click “Back” button.
There are numbers of CTA button you can choose.
- If you are using Facebook page to sell your product online with websites already setup, choose “Book Services” and select the most suitable CTA button to direct users to your website. This is suitable for businesses like e-commerce.
- If you are running an offline business like selling flowers or cloths in a physical shop, select “Get in Touch” and choose an option that is suitable for your business nature.
Additional Info:
- Depending on your aim of creating the Facebook Page, putting the right CTA button is critical to your aim of creating the Facebook page.
- Whether you are viewing the page on your PC or smartphone, the CTA button is the most obvious button. Make sure the button speaks directly to your customer and prompt them to take the correct action you desire.
- Cover image is important. Ensure the cover image display the correct information. There’s a reason cover image is situated at the top of the page. Do not waste the opportunity to capture the user’s attention by having the right information inside the cover image to create a positive impression to users.
2. Update Your Facebook Page Info
Basic information about your business. Information that your target audience will want to know like contact number, website and more.
Besides CTA button and image. Users might want to know more information about your business.
Providing sufficient information is crucial to build trust with your customer or guest for any business.
The button to modify the information is just below the cover image.
- click on the symbol … and select “Edit Page Info”.
Each tab consists all the information that you can edit or add-on.
- Click on ‘save changes’ to any edit that you have made in the tab.
Additional Info:
A Facebook Page is more than just a page to promote your business. It is the face of your brand in the online world. Facebook has made it easy for any business to communicate with the audience using a page that can be easily setup and manage.
**Above Article is Written by Softinn Solution**
Softinn Solutions Sdn. Bhd. is an emerging travel technology company that develops a cloud-based hotel reservation system for small and medium-sized hotels. Learn how we help hundreds of hotels better manage their business and increase sales.

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