Homestay and vacation rentals are now in trend in the travel industry for the past few years. This is most likely due to a homestay that can accommodate huge families and offer ample facilities to travellers. Besides, they also seeking a more homey and cozy accommodation or in short, a […]
How to Get Your Customers to Promote Your Hotel and Homestay
We have spoken before on what User-Generated Content is and how it helps market your hotel or homestay in a surprising way. We believe hoteliers and homestay owners have realized how powerful User-Generated Content is, but may not know how to start with this trending marketing tactic at the beginning. […]
How People Can Easily Discover Your Hotel and Homestay on Google
Malay Version: Google Map is currently being used by close to 1 Billion users every year. Google also owns Waze, a popular GPS, maps and navigation app that is highly popular in many countries including Southeast-Asia. Making your hotel or homestay visible on Google Map is one of the ways […]
Bagaimana Hendak Mengendali Facebook Admin Page Untuk ‘First Time User’
Jika anda baru sahaja membuka Facebook admin page untuk mempromosikan perniagaan anda atau menjual sebarang produk dan perkhidmatan, kami mempunyai beberapa tips untuk menggunakan fungsi Facebook page sepenuhnya.
How To Set Up New Facebook Admin Page For First Time User
If you’ve just create a new Facebook Admin Page to promote your business or sell any products and services, here are some tips and tricks on how to utilize the hidden power of a Facebook Page!
Direct Booking VS Online Travel Agency. Apa Yang Hotel Perlu Tahu.
Hubungan antara hotel dan OTA sememangnya merumitkan. Online Travel Agency atau dikenali OTA merupakan laman web yang mengandungi maklumat utama yang dicari oleh para pelancong untuk menempah hotel, homestay, lodge dan tempat penginapan yang lain. OTA berdedikasi sepenuhnya dalam industry pelancongan dan contoh OTA termasuk Agoda, Tripadvisors, Expedia, Trivago dan […]
Direct Booking VS. Online Travel Agency. What Hotels Need To Know in 2017
The relationship between hotels and OTA has always been complicated. OTA or Online Travel Agency, in this case, a website that has all the vital information a traveller need to book a hotel, homestay, lodge or a place to stay. OTA is fully dedicated to the travel industry and some […]
这篇文章是由Softinn Solution为您呈现。 结合Softinn Extranet最新推出的新功能,民宿和酒店负责人现在可以亲自更改各个房间的照片。 往下移动以获得更多有关特征图像在一个网页重要性的信息。 英文版本请点击这里. 如何添加或更新房间图像 步骤1:登录后台系统 (后,您将会被引导至主页面。然后选择“More”再选择“Room” (如下图所示) 步骤2:点击“Edit Details” 步骤3:Room Editor窗口弹出,在“Photo Section”上载图片,然后点击“Save changes”即可。 步骤4:一旦图片上载成功,请确定您所看到的如下图所示,并且所上载的图片是正确的。 上载图片后,它将会显示在租房系统里。 游览Softinn Solution的网页去了解更多有关云端预定系统的好处 – 为什么它将取代传统的酒店和民宿预定方式。 一张图胜过千言万语 有65% 的人是通过文字去学习和作出决定。而每一天平均都会有一个互联网用户被这上百个帖子所掩盖。不过在这科技发达的时代,人们通过互联网搜索或浏览的趋势不断地上升,而大部分像Facebook,Instagram 和 Snapchat这样的社交平台也越来越受到大众的喜爱。能被大众如此喜爱的原因就是他们不像其他平台只提供文字信息,同时它也为大家提供了有趣的视觉信息。 这里有提供一些增加视觉影响的建议 我们的大脑有90% 是接受视觉信息(包括文字)。 人们记得他们所看到的80%(在视觉)。 网站使用的视觉教具会更有效的说服读者或买家采取行动。 视觉能使记忆更长久。 图片来源: hikingartist 社交媒体和广告商们不是唯一一个受益于视觉上的策略的行业,小型企业家例如酒店和民宿负责人也能够通过视觉策略增加消费者的购买欲望和帮助消费者做出决定。 不知在这期间您有注意到现今的应用程序和软件都变得更加丰富,多姿多彩,以及增加了不少的视觉吸引力。而这就是视觉策略的重要性。
Kemas kini: Menambah gambar bilik dalam Booking Engine
Catatan ini di bawakan oleh Softinn Solution. Bersempena dengan ciri terbaru yang dikemaskini iaitu membolehkan pemilik hotel dan homestay untuk memuat naik serta mengubah gambar bilik hotel/homestay mereka. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut berkenaan kepentingan ‘Featured Image’ di dalam laman web, teruskan membaca. Klik di sini untuk versi Inggeris (Perhatian kepada […]
Update: Adding Room Pictures Into The Booking Engine
This post is brought to you by Softinn Solution. In conjunction with the updates of the latest feature which allow hotel and homestay owners to upload and change their properties room image. For more information regarding the importance of having featured image in a website please scroll to the bottom. […]