Hi there! We have rolled out several updates that we are excited to share with you.
Room Usage Report is now available on Softinn PMS! You can now track the number of reservations, number of nights as well as the total number of hours the rooms have been used within the selected date range.

In addition to that, you can also view the details of the usage by clicking on the ‘eye’ icon in the ‘Actions’ column. This will show you the distribution of the number of hours within the selected period of time.

Another new feature in Softinn PMS is ‘Shift’. You can now set up your work shifts in the General Settings page by specifying the name, start time, and end time. You can use the shifts you’ve set up to view the Collection Summary report.

Softinn Extranet Activity Logs now include Booking logs. You will be able to see all the logs related to booking activities such as booking creation, payment made, booking status, booking emails sent as well as booking amendments requested. The logs include the details of the booking upon creation as well as the changes in the status.
To know how to view the activity logs, read our blog on Where to View Activity Log Reports on Softinn Extranet.

You can now see the discounted rates on Softinn Booking Engine. The original and discounted room prices are shown on the page, along with the discount percentage.

If you require any guidance in using our products with these changes, do checkout our online guides.
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