Even if you have a great blog website for users to view but they cannot do any reservations then it will not benefit you. Check out the video & simple steps below to add Softinn Booking Engine to your blogspot : Install Booking Engine to Your Blogspot Follow the guidelines […]
Cara untuk Memaparkan Homestay atau Hotel Anda di Google.
English Version: https://blog.mysoftinn.com/2018/01/15/how-people-can-easily-discover-your-hotel-and-homestay-on-google/ Google Map yang diperkenalkan oleh Google telah mempunyai hampir 1 billion pengguna setiap tahun. Bukan itu sahaja, Google juga memiliki Waze, iaitu aplikasi navigasi yang popular dalam kalangan pengguna internet hari ini. Tahukah anda, dengan memaparkan homestay atau hotel pada Google Map merupakan salah satu cara untuk […]
Why You Should Use User-Generated Content To Market Your Hotel & Homestay
Did you know that 76% of travellers post vacation photos to social media networks while on vacation? This figure is shocking, right? However, it is acceptable for most people. As we all know, with the advancement of social media, travellers now are sharing their travel experiences online more often than never. This […]
How to Get Your Customers to Promote Your Hotel and Homestay
We have spoken before on what User-Generated Content is and how it helps market your hotel or homestay in a surprising way. We believe hoteliers and homestay owners have realized how powerful User-Generated Content is, but may not know how to start with this trending marketing tactic at the beginning. […]
Top 5 Reasons Why Your Hotel Needs A Mobile Friendly Website
Speaking of the importance of mobile, it is becoming more and more important as smartphone sales have surpassed desktop. One-in-two travelers who own a smartphone believe that mobile phone led them to make more spontaneous decisions when they are doing their travel searches. Hence, no matter what is your stance […]
How People Can Easily Discover Your Hotel and Homestay on Google
Malay Version: https://blog.mysoftinn.com/2018/03/21/cara-untuk-memaparkan-homestay-atau-hotel-anda-di-google/ Google Map is currently being used by close to 1 Billion users every year. Google also owns Waze, a popular GPS, maps and navigation app that is highly popular in many countries including Southeast-Asia. Making your hotel or homestay visible on Google Map is one of the ways […]
EcoHomz Is Using Softinn Cloud Reservation System
Ecohomz is a Malaysian local service provider that connect every property owners from different background in Malaysia with people from all over the world. Ecohomz is headquartered in Kuala Lumpur. This idea of Ecohomz comes from the founder’s passion for travelling and meeting new friends from all walks of life […]
Bagaimana Hendak Mengendali Facebook Admin Page Untuk ‘First Time User’
Jika anda baru sahaja membuka Facebook admin page untuk mempromosikan perniagaan anda atau menjual sebarang produk dan perkhidmatan, kami mempunyai beberapa tips untuk menggunakan fungsi Facebook page sepenuhnya.
How To Set Up New Facebook Admin Page For First Time User
If you’ve just create a new Facebook Admin Page to promote your business or sell any products and services, here are some tips and tricks on how to utilize the hidden power of a Facebook Page!
Malaysia – Salah Satu Negara Yang Terbaik untuk Pelancongan Perubatan
Pelancongan perubatan merupakan pelancongan di mana seseorang akan melawat dari satu negara ke negara lain untuk tujuan rawatan dan penjagaan untuk pembedahan. Banyak orang seperti mereka yang tinggal di Malaysia pun berkemungkinan tidak tahu bahawa Malaysia ialah salah satu destinasi terkenal yang dicari oleh orang asing untuk mendapatkan rawatan.