Softinn offers 3 options to our subscribers in booking payment setting, which are as below:
(1) Collected by Softinn; (2) Collected by You (Host); (3) Collected by You using Payment Gateway
If you choose to use the 3rd option: Collected by You using Payment Gateway, AND would like to register with billplz, we provide the following guides for you to apply for payment gateway account with billplz.
Steps to Apply for Billplz Payment Gateway Account
Follow the guidelines below:

Step 3: Fill in the form online at billplz page
Step 4: Wait for billplz’s approval (usually takes up to 3 business days for billplz to process)
Step 5: Once your account is approved by billplz, you shall receive email from billplz.

Step 8: Start using!
Check out the video below on how to insert your billplz keys on Extranet:
Let’s apply for billplz Payment Gateway Account today & start collecting booking payment directly!
To learn how to set and update your booking payment setting on Softinn Extranet, please check out this link
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