Getting Started Guide: Property Management System (PMS) for BnB Management Company

Hi BnB Management CompanyThank you for subscribing to Softinn Property Management System (PMS)! 🙂

Softinn PMS allows you to manage BnB properties that are under your management. You could use Softinn PMS in grouping your properties, creating service contract, creating reservations, handling check-in & check-out, handling housekeeping & maintenance, reporting and many more.

We have compiled this 1-page Getting Started Guide helping you to navigate around Softinn PMS to manage your BnB properties. Let’s bookmark this guide & let’s get started 🙂

Categories Sub-CategoriesModule Scope & Description
PMS Setup

General Setup

1. How to Log In to Softinn PMS & What’s on Softinn PMS Dashboard
2. How to Setup General Settings on Softinn PMS
3. How to Define Guest Folio Check-out Setting Rules in Softinn PMS
4. How to Setup Payment Method in PMS
5. How to Setup Tax Setting on Softinn PMS
6. How to Setup Product in PMS
7. How to Setup Booking Source in PMS
8. Where to Setup Hotel Work Shift in Softinn PMS
System Setting

1. How to Customize Default Rate Plan Preference when Creating Reservations on Softinn PMS
2. How to Customize Default Number of Nights when Creating Reservation on Softinn PMS
3. How to Customize the Notification Setting for New Reservations on Softinn PMS
4. How to Set Default Security Deposit for Reservation on Softinn PMS
Room Setup

1. How to Setup Room Type & Add Room Number to Each Room Type in PMS (For New Merchant)
2. How to Setup Room Type & Add Room Number to Each Room Type in PMS (For Existing Softinn BE Merchant)
3. How to Add More Rooms to an Existing Room Type in Softinn PMS
4. How to Add New Room Type in Softinn PMS? (For Existing PMS Merchant)
5. How to Setup & Allocate Room Tag to Each of Your Rooms in PMS

Invoice, Folio, & Form Design Setup

1. Customize the Header of your Invoice, Receipt & Folio
2. How to Setup Receipt & Invoice Design on Softinn PMS
3. How to Design Guest Folio in PMS
4. How to Setup for Guest Sign-In Form in Softinn PMS

Rates Plan

1. What is Room Rate Plan?
2. How to Add Rates Plan in Softinn PMS
3. How to Map New Room Rate Plan on Softinn PMS
4. User Access to Override Reservation Daily Rates in Softinn PMS
PMS Reservations

Overview & PMS Dates Definition

1. Overview of the New Create Reservation Form in Softinn PMS (New Reservation Form)
2. Softinn PMS Date Types Definition
3. How to Read & Interpret a Reservation Number in Softinn PMS

Create Reservation

1. How to Add Single Room Reservation in Softinn PMS (New Reservation Form)
2. How to Add Multiple Room Reservation in Softinn PMS (New Reservation Form)
3. How to Add Room Guest on the Reservation Form in Softinn PMS (New Reservation Form)
4.  How to Add New Reservation With Tax in Softinn PMS
5. How to Add New Reservation Without Tax in Softinn PMS
6. How to Add Reservation For a Walk-in Guest that Check-in After Midnight in Softinn PMS
7.  How to Record Partial Payment While Creating a Reservation in Softinn PMS
Quick Filter

1. Quick Filter on the Reservation Main Page
2. Quick Navigation around Reservation Main Page in Softinn PMS
3. Quick View on Reservation Without Room Assigned for Channel Manager & Softinn Booking Engine User
Check-In & Check-Out

1. An Overview to the Check-In, Check-Out & Generate Group Invoice in Softinn PMS
2. How to Check-In A Guest From the Guest Arrival Page
3. How to Check-Out A Guest From the Guest Departure Page
4. How to Check-Out A Guest in Softinn PMS
5. How to Generate Guest Sign-In Form in Softinn PMS
6. How Hotel Reads Guest’s MyKad to Softinn PMS
Manage In-House Guests

1. Manage the Stayover Guests From the In-House Guests Page
Edit Reservation

1. How to Update General Details for a Reservation in Softinn PMS
2. How to Add or Update the Room Remarks for a Reservation in Softinn PMS
3. How to Update the Check-In and Check-Out Date in Softinn PMS
4. How Hotel Handle the Guest Folio for Change of Room Type During Guest’s Stayover
5. How to Update Room Rates for a Reservation in Softinn PMS
6. How to Change Room for a Reservation in Softinn PMS
7. How to Duplicate Room for a Reservation in Softinn PMS
8. How to Add Another Room to a Reservation in Softinn PMS
9. How to Shorten Stay in Softinn PMS
10. How to Extend Stay in Softinn PMS
Cancel a Reservation
1. How to Cancel A Reservation in PMS
Booking Received from Softinn Booking Engine

1. Overview of Softinn PMS x BE Sync Settings feature
2. How to Map BE Rate Plan with PMS Rate Plan
3. How to do Tax Mapping for BE Tax with PMS Tax
4. Payment Account Mapping for Softinn Direct Bookings
5. How to Sync Bookings & Allotment between Softinn) PMS and Softinn BE (PMS x BE Sync Setting
6. Manage Booking Request (BR) Received from Softinn Booking Engine in Softinn PMS
7. How to Sync Allotment from Softinn PMS to Softinn Booking Engine
8. How to Auto Sync Reservation from Softinn Extranet to Softinn PMS

Booking Received from OTAs

1. Reservations Auto-Pushed from OTAs to Softinn PMS
2. What Hotel Should Do in PMS When Receiving Reservations from OTAs (For Booking Pay Over Counter)
3. What Hotel Should Do When There is Unmapped Booking Alert on Reservation Page in Softinn PMS
4. How Hotel Handles Room Upgrade in Softinn PMS for Booking Received from OTAs
5. Where to View OTA Booking Payment Details in Softinn PMS
Reinstate a Reservation

1. How to Reinstate Reservation Status on Softinn PMS
2. What You Can Do When You Forgot to Check-In the Guest after the Night Audit?
Advanced Tips

1. Advanced Tips: How to Check Out a Guest after It has Missed the Supposed Check-Out date
Group Reservation

Overview & Create Group Reservation

1. Overview of the Manage Group Reservations Page in Softinn PMS
2. How to Create Group Reservations in Softinn PMS (New Reservation Form)
Check-In, Check-Out & Generate Invoice for Group Reservation

1. How Hotel Check-In Multiple Reservations in Softinn PMS
2. How Hotel Check-Out Multiple Reservations in Softinn PMS
3. How Hotel Generates Group Invoice(s) in Softinn PMS
4. Bulk Check-In from Manage Group Reservation Page in Softinn PMS
5. Bulk Check-Out from Manage Group Reservation Page in Softinn PMS
6. Bulk Generate Invoice from Manage Group Reservation Page in Softinn PMS
7. How to Generate a Group Invoice from Individual Invoices from Manage Group Reservation Page in PMS
8. How to Split Group Invoice into Individual Invoices from Manage Group Reservation Page in PMS
Edit Group Reservation

1. How to Edit the Check-In & Check-Out Date for a Group Reservation in Softinn PMS
2. How to Edit Room Type for 1 Reservation Under a Group Reservation
3. How Hotel Transfers Folio Items From One Folio to Another Under the Same Group Reservation
4. Bulk Shorten Stay from Manage Group Reservation Page in Softinn PMS
5. Bulk Extend Stay from Manage Group Reservation Page in Softinn PMS
6. Bulk Move Dates from Manage Group Reservation Page in Softinn PMS
7. How to Generate Receipt & Invoice under Room Guest Name in Softinn PMS
8. How to Edit Room for a Group Reservation in Softinn PMS
Bulk payment for Group Reservation

1. Overview of Bulk Payment Action for Group Reservation in Softinn PMS
2. How to Clear Folio Balance of A Group Reservation in Softinn PMS
3. How to Add Bulk Payment to A Group Reservation in Softinn PMS
4. How to Add Bulk Refundable Security Deposit for A Group Reservations in Softinn PMS
Guest Folio

Guest Folio Transaction

1. Introduction to New Guest Folio in Softinn PMS
2. How to Record Security Deposit and Refund Security Deposit in Guest Folio
3. How to Record Misc Expenses Incurred to Guest Folio in PMS
4. How to Void Transaction When Your FO Posted Payment to a Wrong Payment Account in Guest Folio?
Edit Guest Folio

1. Edit Guest Folio for Changes in Miscellaneous Services & Charges
2. Transfer Folio Balance between Folios in Softinn PMS
e-Receipt & e-Invoice

1. Print Guest Folio on Softinn PMS
2. How to Email Guest Folio to Your Hotel Guest using Softinn PMS
3. How to Send Guest e-Receipts and e-Invoices in email from Guest Folio
PMS Inventory

1. Overview About Inventory Page in Softinn PMS
2. How to Manage Additional Restrictions Features on Inventory Page in Softinn PMS
3. How to Set Weekend & Weekday Rate in Softinn PMS
4. How to Close Room from Booking for OTAs While Remain Open for Direct Booking Engine?

1. Drag-and-Drop feature on PMS Calendar Page
2. How to Change Room of a Reservation on the PMS Calendar Page
3. How to Extend or Shorten a Reservation on the PMS Calendar Page
4. How to Swap Room between 2 Reservations on PMS Calendar Page
5. How to Close & Open A Room for Maintenance and Cleaning in PMS
6. How to Edit a Maintenance Allocation Duration on PMS Calendar Page
7. How to Close & Reopen Multiple Rooms for Maintenance or Cleaning in PMS
8. How Close & Open a Room For Miscellaneous Allocation in Softinn PMS
9. Manage PMS Calendar to Free up Room Available in Softinn PMS
Room Status

1. Overview of the Room Status Page in Softinn PMS
Pre-Arrival Web Check-In

1. Introduction to Pre-Arrival Web Check-In Service offered by Softinn PMS
2. Setup Pre-Arrival Check-In in Softinn PMS
3. How Hotel Sends Reservation Pre-Arrival Web Check-In Email to Guest in Softinn PMS
4. How Guest Perform Pre-Arrival Web Check-In Service
5. How Hotel Perform Verification on Pre-Arrival Check-In Documents & Add Guest to Room
Advance Deposit

1. How to Handle Advance Deposit Payment in Softinn PMS
2. Use Advance Deposit Available as Payment in Guest Folio
PMS Reports

Report Landing Page

1. Introduction to the New PMS Report Landing Page & User Access Control to PMS Reports
2. How to Setup Report Email on Softinn PMS
Daily Reports

1. Reservation Made Today Report in Softinn PMS
2. Reservation By Check-In Date Report in Softinn PMS
3. Where to View Reservation By Source Report in Softinn PMS
4. Where to View Guest Ledger in Softinn PMS
5. Where to View Shift Summary Report in Softinn PMS
6. How to Use Collection Summary Report in Softinn PMS
7. Monitor Your Hotel Cash on Hand in Real Time in Softinn PMS
8. Sales Summary and Daily Sales Breakdown By Transaction Date Report in Softinn PMS
9. Where to Get the Past Invoices / Receipts Generated in Softinn PMS
Manager’s Reports

1. Where to View the Daily Audit Summary Report in Softinn PMS
2. Where to View Occupancy Report & Forecast in Softinn PMS
3. Occupancy Report By Room Type in Softinn PMS
4. Guest Report by State & Country in Softinn PMS
5. Revenue Report & Forecast and Revenue Report & Forecast Breakdown in Softinn PMS
6. Folio Balance Tracking Report in Softinn PMS
7. Room Nights & ADR by Booking Source Report in Softinn PMS
8. No-Show Report in Softinn PMS
9. Where to View Activity Log Report on PMS
10. Where to View Activity Log of a Specific Guest Folio in Softinn PMS
11. Booking Lead Time Report by Room Type in Softinn PMS
12. Booking Lead Time Report by Booking Source in Softinn PMS
13. Booking Lead Time Report by Nationality in Softinn PMS
Accounting Reports

1. The Advance Deposit Ledger in Softinn PMS
2. Where to View Tax Report in Softinn PMS
3. Where to View Transaction List Report in Softinn PMS
4. Where to View Transaction Journal Report in Softinn PMS
Customer Details Maintenance

1. How to Add and Upkeep Guest Details in Softinn PMS
2. How to Replace Main Contact in Softinn PMS
3. How to Update the Main Contact Details and Room Guests in Softinn PMS
4. How to Edit Main Contact and Room Guest Details for Group Reservation in Softinn PMS
Housekeeping & Maintenance


1. How to Setup Housekeeping & Invite Housekeeper to Softinn PMS
2. How to Manage Housekeeping Task on Softinn PMS
3. How To Add Area in Softinn PMS
4. How to Setup Inspection & Invite Inspector to Softinn PMS
5. How to Setup Inspection Checklist for All Room Type in Softinn PMS
Maintenance Work Order

1. How to Setup & Add Maintenance Work Order on Softinn PMS
Lost & Found

1.How to Report and Manage Lost & Found on Softinn PMS
BnB Management Module

Property Group

1. Introduction to Softinn BnB Management Module
2. How to Group Your Properties on PMS
Service Contract

1. How to Create Profit Sharing Service Contract on Softinn PMS
2. How to Create Sublet Service Contract on Softinn PMS
3. How to Create Guaranteed Return Service Contract on Softinn PMS
Revenue & Expenses Mapping

1. Link Products & Services to Service Contract on Softinn PMS
Property Group Report

1. Generate Payout Report to Property Owner on Softinn PMS
2. How Property Operators Send Monthly Payout Report to the Property Owner Automatically
3. Where to Check Revenue Breakdown, Expenses Breakdown, and Profit/Loss Report on Softinn PMS

1. How to Setup for Siteminder Integration on Softinn PMS
2. How to Setup STAAH Channel Manager Integration on Softinn PMS
Softinn URL Service

1. Search & Share Made Easy for Hotel – Softinn URL Service
PMS Payment Gateway

1. Online Payment Collection in Softinn PMS
2. User Access Control to PMS Payment Gateway feature
3. How Guest Performs Online Payment Upon Receiving the Payment Request Email

Hope this guideline helps you in navigating over Softinn PMS ! 🙂

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