Overview of the Manage Group Reservations Page in Softinn PMS

Hello Softinn PMS users!

Now, you can manage the group reservation easily from the Manage Group Reservation page.

Check out this video to find out more on the overview of the manage group reservation page in Softinn PMS.

Overview of the Manage Group Reservations Page:

  1. View the total number of reserved room and breakdown of the reserved rooms by its room types on the left hand panel.
  2. View the Main Contact details, the total charges, the current balances, and the total refundable security deposit collected in hand, of a group reservation
    • Update the main contact and general details of the group reservation by clicking on the “Pencil” icon.
  3. View total rooms with different reservation statuses at a glance.
    • Click on the status if you only want to see the rooms under that specific reservation status. Click the status again to deselect it.
  4. View the folios of a group reservation in a Grid View or List View.
  5. Bulk actions for all rooms under the group reservation
    • Bulk shorten or extend stay, bulk move the reservations to another date, perform the group check-in and check-out as well as generate group invoices, for all rooms at once
  6. Add more rooms to group reservation by clicking “Add Room” button, under a Grid View.
  7. Edit the reservation for a single room under the group reservation
    • Click on the “Option” menu icon and perform multiple actions such as shorten or extend stay, change the check-in and check-out date, change the room type, update the room rates, add or update remarks, and update the room guests as well as duplicate room and cancel room reservation.
  8. Click “View Activity Logs” to find out ‘Who-Did-What-at-When’ for this group reservation

Let’s start managing group reservations easily all from a single page in Softinn PMS! 🙂

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