How to Reinstate Reservation Status on Softinn PMS

Hello Softinn PMS users!

As a Hotel Owner / Supervisor, you may have experienced that your Front Desk Officers forgot to “Check-in” a guest OR, accidentally “Check-out” an in house guest in PMS. That causes you the problem of showing a wrong reservation status or worst still the reservation is not editable anymore.

In Softinn PMS, this problem could be resolved by “Reinstating” the reservation status to the immediate preceding status.

  • For example: From “No Show” to “Arrival

With the Reinstate feature, you could reverse the status from “No Show” to “Arrival“.

Check out the video & guidelines below to find out how to do reinstate reservation status on Softinn PMS :

Steps to Reinstate Reservation Status on Softinn PMS:

Follow the guidelines below:

Step 1 : Go to Softinn PMS

Step 2 : Select the right property

Step 3 : Click “Reservation” to go to the reservation page

Step 4 : Go to the Reservation that you would like to reinstate to the previous status. Click “Option” menu icon and then select “Reinstate status

Step 5 : Click “Yes” button

  • Once you’ve clicked the “Yes” button the status will be changed to the previous status

You could track when the changes were made & made by who in the “Activity Log Report” in PMS for audit purposes.

Steps to Track Who-Did-What-at-When in Activity Log Report :

Follow the guidelines below:

Step 1 : Click “Report

Step 2 : Click “Activity Log

You would be able to track when your staff reinstate the reservation status.

Of course, NOT every Hotel staff is allowed to “Reinstate” a reservation in PMS. This feature is a “controlled” feature in PMS.

As a Hotel Owner / Supervisor (the utmost user), you have the authority to grant this access to your staff, if needed.

Grant User Access to “Reinstate” Reservation Status :

Follow the guidelines below:

Step 1 : Click ‘Go to Extranet

Step 2 : Click ‘More

Step 3 : Click ‘Manage User

Step 4 : Click ‘Manage Role

Step 5 : Go to PMS section

  • Tick on “Reinstate Previous Statuses

Step 6 : Click “Save Changes” button

Hope this video helps you on how to reinstate reservation status on Softinn PMS! 🙂

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