Revenue Report & Forecast and Revenue Report & Forecast Breakdown in Softinn PMS

Hello  Softinn PMS  users!

This Revenue Report & Forecast and Revenue Report & Forecast Breakdown show a list of reservations indicating room and non-room revenues earned by the hotel based on the charge applicable date.

Your Hotel Manager and Hotel Finance department would like to know how much revenue Hotel earned from both Room Sales and also Non-Room Sales. You could view this information from Revenue Report & Forecast.

Check out this video to find out where to view Revenue Report & Forecast and Revenue Report & Forecast Breakdown in Softinn PMS  :

Steps to View Revenue Report & Forecast in Softinn PMS:

Follow the guidelines below:

Step 1 : Login to Softinn PMS

Step 2 : Select the correct property

Step 3 : Click “OTHERS” and click “REPORT

Step 4 : Click “Revenue Report & Forecast

Step 5 : You may choose to compare the revenue earned from each charge type for a single date or a date range

  • From the bar chart, you would be able to know the revenue earned for a date, as well as the revenue forecast for future dates
  • The report also provides you a table of charge types that made up of the report for the date that you have chosen
  • To know the breakdown on how the figures were arrived at, click on the charge type in the table and you will be redirected to Revenue Report & Forecast Breakdown page

Step 6 : You may export the table in excel by clicking the “Excel” icon

Note : No-Show Report data is generated based on the Folio Applicable Date

Hope this video helps you on where to view Revenue Report & Forecast and Revenue Report & Forecast Breakdown in Softinn PMS 🙂

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