How to Update Room Rates for a Reservation in Softinn PMS

Hello Softinn PMS users!

Let’s check out this video to find out how to update the room rates in Softinn PMS.

Steps to Update Room Rates for a Reservation in Softinn PMS:

Follow the guidelines below:

Step 1 : Go to Softinn PMS

Step 2 : Select the right property

Step 3 : Click “Reservation” to go to the reservation main page

Step 4 : Search for the respective reservation and click “Option” menu icon. Then select, “Update Rates

Step 5 : The “Update Folio Reservation Details” window will pop-up. From this window, you could update the room rates and taxes information, as needed.

Step 6 : Click “Save” button to save the changes.

Note: The system will reverse the initial room charges and add the updated charges automatically. You can toggle the button of “Show reversed and voided transaction”, and then you shall see the initial room charges that have been reversed.

Hope this video helps you to learn how to update the room rates in Softinn PMS 🙂

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