How to do Channel Mapping and Room Mapping for

Hello Softinn PMS user & Softinn Channel Manager subscriber!

After the the Room Type & Rate Plan setup are completed, you can proceed with the Channel Mapping and Room Mapping in Softinn PMS.

Before you start to map Softinn Channel Manager to OTAs, please make sure that you have :

  1. Completed setup the Room Type and Rate Plan in Softinn PMS
  2. Completed your OTAs listing for your property

Softinn Channel Manager is connected to 100 over OTAs. Each of the mapping process will be different for each OTAs.

In this guide, we will show how you could proceed with the channel mapping to the

Check out the video & guidelines below to find out how to do Channel Mapping and Room Mapping for in Softinn PMS :

Steps to do Channel Mapping on Softinn PMS:

Follow the guidelines below :

Step 1 : Go to Softinn PMS

Step 2 : Select the right property

Step 3 : Go to ‘Setup‘ & click ‘General

Step 4 : Click ‘Booking Source

You will see ‘Channel Mapping’ if you’re Softinn Channel Manager subscriber.

Map with

Follow the guidelines below :

Step 1 : Select ‘Nuitee

Step 2 : Click ‘+‘ icon

Step 3 : You may refer to the Mapping Guide by clicking the ‘Mapping Guide’ button

Note :

  • Please inform the account manager from before you start the channel mapping.

Step 4 : Before you proceed with Channel Mapping, you need to enable connection via Extranet first

  1. Go to Extranet and login to your account.
  2. You will see your property listing here.
  3. Take note of the property ID that you wish to map to Softinn PMS, you will need this when you do the channel mapping later.
  4. Choose the correct property.
  5. Click on General Info
  6. Scroll down to the Channel Manager section.
  7. Select “I use a channel manager” and choose the channel manager : STAAH.
  8. Remember to save the changes.

Go back to Softinn PMS :

Step 5 : Insert your Property ID here.

Step 6 : Select the room type that you sell on

Step 7 : Choose the Rate Pricing, Rate either “Net” or “Sell“, and put the status as “Inactive” until you have done with the room mapping.

Step 8 : Click “Save“.

Channel mapping with is successfully done!

Step 9 : Next, you need to do Room Mapping, click ‘Map’

Step 10 : Select the rate plan that you sell on

Step 11 : Select the PMS Rate Plan

  • Select the same rate plan with Extranet

Step 12 : Select the no. of guest

  • Make sure the info you update here is the same as Extranet

Step 13 : Select ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ for Fixed Min Stay

Step 14 : Click ‘Save

Room Mapping with is successfully done!

Step 15 : Make sure the Price & Availability are pushed from PMS and reflected correctly in Extranet

Important Notes:

  • Before you flush the information to, change the status to ‘Active‘ first
  • After the status was turned to ‘Active‘, all the availability and rate plan in Softinn Channel Manager will be pushed to
  • The information will be flushed to within 2-3 minutes

Let’s start to do Channel Mapping & Room Mapping for now! 🙂

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