Introduction to New Guest Folio in Softinn PMS

Hello Softinn PMS user!

A guest folio is considered as a master bill of a guest. It contains all the transactions including charges and payments made by the guests throughout their stay.

Sometimes hotels use it as a proforma invoice, where it shows the estimated cost and the outstanding balance to be paid by the guests before they issue the final invoice.

This video will show the features available in the new Guest Folio in Softinn PMS.

With this new Guest Folio, you are able to :

  1. void a payment transaction when your FO did a mistake in guest folio
  2. generate receipt & invoices under different guest name
  3. apply prepayment in guest folio directly

Check out this video to learn more about the new Guest Folio in Softinn PMS  🙂

Introduction to New Guest Folio in Softinn PMS:

With the new guest folio design, here are the new features and functions:

  1. You could void the transaction when you have selected the wrong Payment Account or insert the wrong amount.
    • Click “Void” button to void the transaction
    • Insert the Remarks for the Void Transaction
    • Once done, click “Void Transaction
    • NOTE: Not everyone can void a payment. Only those with the void access will be able to perform this function
  2. You could reverse the transaction when you have inserted the wrong amount for the miscellaneous charges.
    • Click “Reverse” button to reverse the miscellaneous charges.
    • Insert the Remarks for the Reverse Transaction
    • Once done, click “Reverse Transaction
  3. You could enable the toggle of “Show reversed and voided transaction to view those voided and reversed transactions in folio
  4. If a guest requested to separate Miscellaneous charge from the Room charges, you could click “+ Add Sub-folio” button in the folio. And then, from the ‘Main Folio” click “Move” button to move the misc. charges and payment to sub-folio
    • Tick on the correct sub-folio number
    • Click “Move Transaction” button
  5. You could generate a separate receipt & invoices for the main folio and sub-folio.
    • The receipt & invoice for the main folio will be issued under the main contact’s name.
    • The receipt & invoice for the sub-folio can be issued under the guest name of the room other than the main contact’s name. With these new features, it will be helpful for your FO when the guest wants to have a separate receipt under a different name.

With the new guest folio, what shall still remain the same are as below:

  1. You will still be able to see the amount for Total Charges, Total Payment, Current Balance, and Security Deposit (in hand), if any.
  2. The “Yellow Triangle” icon alert you the charges that has been paid or has been overpaid. The “Yellow Triangle” icon would disappear when the folio’s current balance is RM0.00
  3. You could still click “Pay” button to add the payment to the guest folio
  4. You could still click “Security Deposit” to record the Security Deposit upon receiving the refundable deposit from the guest & click “– Refund” for the security deposit refunded when guest check-out
  5. You could still click “+ Charge” button to add the miscellaneous charges, i.e: Spa charges when guest booked a Spa session

Hope this video helps you to understand the new guest folio & its new features brought to you by Softinn 🙂

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